fuck your algorithm (this is not your fault),
cotton t shirt and non toxic acrylic, special edition
How much of our physical and mental world is controlled and driven by algorithms?
Are you mad because your phone told you to be?
Is freedom of thought, lack of self-censorship, and authenticity ever feasible, or is everything about pleasing your "viewers"? Today, screens know us better than ourselves.
These hand-printed, unique, and editioned "fuck your algorithm" t-shirts aim to promote freedom and diversity of human thought and expression. They inspire the wearer (and viewer) with a dash of self-awareness and skepticism about the reality surrounding them and encourage a much-needed reprieve from digitized lives.
How often do you participate in and perpetuate behaviors driven by your algorithm?
& yes, I realize you just scanned this with your phone.
I aim to use the media I am critiquing against itself in an attempt to rectify my self-contradiction.
ANYWAY, your echo chamber has ended.
Welcome to the show.
all t’s begin at $150.00